Wednesday 26 October 2011

Exam Content

The 4 areas of my exam-

Mise-en-scene: (everything in the scene)
  • Props
  • Costumes
  • Lighting (back, key, fill)
  • Character
  • Body languageSetting
  • Colour
  • Denotation/connotation
  • Iconography
  • Stereotypes (does it challenge Tessa Perkins theory?)
  • Angles
  • Movements
  • Framing (positioning)
  • Focus
  • Transitions
  • Effects
  • Speed/pace
  • Length of frames
  • Continuity
  • Shot reverse shot
  • 180 Rule
  • Narrative time (screen, subjective, compressed, long take, simultaneous, replay, flashforward/back, ambigious)
  • Narrative theory (Todorov, Barthez, Propp, Levi Strauss, Enigma/action codes)
  • Diagetic/non diagetic sound
  • Contrapunctual
  • Parallel
  • Bridges

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