Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sound Analysis: Apocalypse Now

Diegetic Sound Used: 
At first we can hear the fierce noises off the surrounding helicopters, these are on screen Diegetic sound and build up an effect that tells the reader there are lots of surrounding helicopters, so the situation is escalating. We also hear the stomps and rustles of the soildiers' boots as they run buy, this is also on screen.

Non-Diegetic Sound Used:
This can be taken as the background  music as the helicopters take off, as these sounds have came after the initial shot and have been edited in afterwards. This sound hasbeen used to effect the overall atmosphere of the shot and build up the intensity of the scene. If it wasnt there we would just hear the same helicopter noises for minutes on end, so it makes the film more interesting entirely.

Sound Bridges In the shot: 
30 seconds in we here a man shouting, the shot we see is of a helicopter landing. Then the shot cuts to the original shot of the officer calling orders, this is a sound bridge and this helps link the two shots together. It gives the whole scene a sense of layering and linking.

Parallel Sound Used: 
At 1:14 we can see the inspirational shot of the helicopters flying along the horizon, here we can hear the sound of classical music playing over the top, this is parallel to the intense scene of the helicopters going to war. The music corresponds to the escalation of the shot, this builds up the intensity of the scene and interests the viewer further. We also see the happy and exited faces of some soldiers, this also links with the happy music.

Contrapuntal Sound in the shot:
8:23 we again hear some happy music being played over the original shot(so this is also non-diegetic sound). But this time we see the soldiers being heavily attacked by their enemy, therefore this goes against the shot as the music is happy but the shot doesnt potray happiness. I think this is used well as it can been seen to be quite outrageous, as the scene itself isnt normal, as this doesnt happen in everday life. So the music actually reflects the shot in that way. But otherwise, it goes against what the scene is trying to potray.

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