Thursday 15 September 2011

Camera Movements.

This shot is there to create an overall mood and scene within the class, panning across all the students' faces. It shows the dull faces which gives the viewer the feeling that they are bored and waiting for something interesting to happen.

Hand Held Shot
This shot is used to create a sense of urgency and build up the exitement, as the action escalates the camera goes hand-held and shakes. This gives it energy.

This technique is used here to give the scene a bigger imkpact, since it is on a grave, then the camera tilts up to show the sadness and expressions of the actors at this obviously terrible time.

This movement is used to show that the characters are on a mission and are storming to have an argument, the camera follows them which gives the viwer the feeling that they are also following the characters.

This movement has been used to create a serious atmosphere as the character delivers a speech. It allows the audience to begin to focus on the centre of attention (the character) and makes them take what happens at the centre of the shot.

This movement rotates around the subject. this is done to cause exitement and intensify the shot, as the characters cause trouble the camera spins around escalating the situation.

Aerial Shot
Usuall from a plane or helicopter, these give the viewer a better view of the scene they are viewing, here it is used to show the viewer how dangerous and high this person has climbed. Making them experience the fear the character is experiencing.

Whip Pan
This movement is to simply create an atmosphere when the scene escalates, it intensifies the situation. As here the fight starts to build up the camera spins round to show urgency as the scene speeds up. The camera gets slightly out of control of the situation on the screen begins to spiral out of control.

Crane Shot
This shot is used to give the audience an overall view of the scene. Here the crane gives us a view above the crowd of students so we can see the damage to the building, but it also keeps the crowd within the shot, showing the audience how serious this is and how many people are involved.

Over the head/shoulder shot.
This shot puts the viewer in the positon of the charecter and allows us to see things from their point of view. here we get an inside look on the two characters' conversation.

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