Friday 23 September 2011

Tessa Perkins

Tessa Perkins (1979) made 5 assumptions about stereotyping and how it isnt a simple process. These are her assumptions
  •  Stereotypes are not always negative (e.g. 'The French are good cooks').
  • They are not always about minority groups or the less powerful ( e.g. 'upper class twits').
  • They can be held about one's own group.
  • They are not rigid or unchanging ( e.g. the "cloth cap worker of the 1950's became the
    1980's 'consumerist home-owner who holidays in Spain').
  •  They are not always false.
To what extent do you agree with these assumptions? Explain answers and refer to stereotypes in TV Drama characters.

I agree with what Tessa Perkins says in her first assumtion, stereotypes are commonly negative but can in some cases be positive towards a certain group or race. For example people who are overweight are stereotped to be lazy, but also they are seen as being jolly and bubbly people.

Secondly, i also agree about her second assumption. We know that stereotyping isnt always about minority groups because of the statement 'upper class twits'. Another common example of this is that Americans are seen to eat a lot and be overweight, yet they are the most powerful country in the world.

Her third assumption isnt as clear as the others. I agree with what she says but only in extreme cases, it is very rare that someone would want to be stereotypying themselves, unless ofcourse its a good stereotype. There arent many examples of this but for example, if a rich child brags about the wealth of his family, he is putting himself into the 'rich kid' category.

Now her next assumption I do fully agree with, as strereotypes are forever changing. We know this due to her example of the cloth cap worker of the 1950's became the 1980's 'consumerist home-owner who holidays in Spain'. This proves how much stereotypes can change in a space of time. We can aslo see this with teenagers. Back around the times of World War II teenagers were respected and were seen to behave well and respect and give to the community. We all know that this view on teenagers has changed, they are now seen to be trouble making and have no respect for others.

Finally her last assumption that they are not always false. I fully agree with this statement from Tessa Perkins. This allows me to give many examples, firstly old people are stereotyped to be moody and grumpy. In many cases such as Grantly Budgen from 'Waterloo Road' this is true. Also teenagers are seen to be disrespectful and trouble making, this is also mostly true. Such as Bolton Smilie again from 'Waterloo Road'. These characters are put as strongly as possibble into these stereotypes so the viewer can relate to them and it seems realistic.

This shows Grantly Budgen in a Waterloo Road episode being a sterotypical old man. He is clearly unhappy and is seen as being a grumpy individual. He is shown to be shotuing at people and not caring for other peoples feelings.

This is an exapmple of how teenagers are portrayed in TV Drama. This is Bolton from Waterloo Road and he is clearly recieving a telling off from a teacher. This proves the point about teenagers causing trouble and being disrespectful to people around them.

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